Monday 11 July 2011

Bag making Sunday

While Darling was at her friends house, Dervish was drawing on fabric whilst mummy made a bag for Darling.
(Bernadettes words from here, whilst I type)
This is a picture of a Rabbit.
Mummy thinks it is a fantastic picture and wants to use it on Darlings new school bag.
So mummy copied the picture onto fabric using crayons.
Good eh?
This is the fabric that mummy wanted to use to make the bag.
It is an old pair of trousers that mummy bough tin a charity shop.
Dervish helped mummy to wind the bobbin on.
He thought it was great fun!
This is the inside pocket of the bag.
Mummy made two places for pencils and one big pocket and even a thing for holding Darlings purse.
This is a funny cat.
Here is the finished bag.
Darling says it is quite nice, if I say so. (hmm, not rave reviews then)
This is the inside pocket of the bag. It is the back pocket of the old trousers. Mummy thought it was a sweet shape.
This is the inside of the finished bag.

(OK it was not true, Darling didn't say any of the things above. She just turned mute)

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